SiMPL™ Batch
Disposition Cockpit

Streamline Your Batch Release

Process with SiMPL™ BDC

Optimize your quality and supply chain operations with SiMPL™ BDC, a robust tool designed to simplify batch dispositioning and ensure timely, accurate release decisions within SAP.

What is SiMPL™ BDC?

SiMPL™ BDC (Batch Dispositioning Cockpit) digitally consolidates & visualizes batch release information, all within a single application. This centralized platform allows quality and supply chain professionals to efficiently access and review all necessary batch release data at the time of release, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

SiMPL™ BDC is designed for display purposes only, meaning it does not alter or create any objects within SAP, except during the batch record review process where signature verification is required. This ensures that all reviews are secure and traceable.

Key Features

  • Genealogy Tree Visualization

    Batch details are presented in an intuitive Genealogy Tree with drill-down capabilities, allowing users to easily navigate to relevant details and gain a comprehensive understanding of the batch history. This can be integrated with our DTLS PLM solution to automate the reconciliation of batch data with product and market release specifications.

  • Visual Status Indicators

    The Batch Tree includes configurable traffic lights that display the status and restrictions of each batch, providing immediate visual cues to the user. Localization drives these traffic light rules, ensuring they are tailored to specific operational needs.

  • Localized Groupings

    Groupings can be localized for monitoring purposes, allowing users to customize the landing page view to display the most critical information at a glance.

  • System Integration

    SiMPL™ BDC integrates seamlessly with various systems, enabling thorough reviews and confirmations as required. This flexibility supports a comprehensive QA process that accommodates multiple data sources.

  • Workflow and Work Delegation

    The application supports standard workflows and work delegation, ensuring that each batch review is conducted efficiently and by the appropriate personnel.

  • Jump Functionality

    With integrated jump functionality, users can quickly access Fiori transactions and external systems, streamlining their workflow and improving operational efficiency.

Business Benefits

Ready to Enhance
Your QA Process?</span

Contact us to learn more about how
SiMPL™ BDC can transform your batch
release operations.